Nut Milk

Female brunette with towel on head after shower shaving face with foam and blade looking away.


Nuts of choice

can also use seeds if you prefer or a blend, play around!


Filtered water

Nut Milk Bag

Always use good quality filtered, drinking water.


1 -


Put nuts/seeds in a bowl, add a pinch of salt and cover with filtered water and leave to soak overnight.

If I forget to leave overnight, I do this process in the morning and make the milk at the end of the day in order to give them a good 8-10 hours soaking.

The idea is that activating the nuts helps to break down the naturally occurring anti-nutrients, such as phytates in the nuts.

An easy way to think about it is, plants have their own defence system in order to repel insects and animals from eating them, which, when consumed by humans can make them harder for us to digest and absorb all of the available nutrients.

Eating large amounts of raw nuts may place extra strain on your digestive system and may cause things like bloating, cramping and nausea.

Do you need to activate all nuts and seeds?

I tend to use the ‘it’s not what you do some of the time, it’s what you do all of the time that matters,’ philosophy here. If I’m having a little nut butter or eating raw nuts on occasion I don’t worry too much, if I was eating them everyday, I would look at it.

2 -

Drain nuts/seeds and rinse with filtered water.

Add nuts/seeds and a pinch of salt to blender or food processor with 4 cups of filtered water and blend until you have a nice frothy milk and the nuts are finely broken down.

Note: I add a cup at a time to my food processor so it doesn’t end up with nut milk all over my bench (been there)!

3 -

Grab a bowl and cover with your nut milk bag and pour your ‘nut milk’ through the bag.

Squeeze out all of the excess water.

Pour the milk (I use a funnel so it doesn’t go everywhere), into your bottle and store in the fridge for up to 4 days.

The pulp can be used in smoothies or in baking to save waste or can be frozen.

You can also dehydrate the pulp to extend the shelf life (a conversation for another day if you don’t know what dehydrating is).

4 -


Add sweeteners at this stage if you want a little sweeter. Just put the nut milk back in the blender or food processer and blend with a medjool date or a little maple syrup and vanilla essence and blend until smooth.


the benefits of making your own.

It’s easy once you get the hang of.

It’s so much cheaper than buying it.

You can flavour it exactly as you like + you know what’s in it!


Coffee with Benefits


Easy Nut Butter